FREE 5-day email course

Unlock Your Creativity

Is this you?

✓ You have a deep longing to express yourself artistically. You want  to unblock your creativity so you can connect with this soulful part of you that is ready to come out.

✓ You have many creative ideas you want to birth - a book, song, comic, videos - but it can be overwhelming having concepts swirling in your head and not knowing where to focus your energy.

✓ You find yourself in cycles of perfectionism and procrastination, then get down on yourself for not being more productive.

✓ You know that you need some support to break through the blocks of self-doubt, fear, and feelings of not good enough so get into your creative flow.

It’s so common to face blocks when trying to get into creative flow. It may have been dismissal or criticism from a parent or authority figure towards your work. Or, it could be trauma that is seemingly unrelated. The thing about creativity is it’s part of our life force, so any kind of traumatic experience can shut it off.  

Unblocking creativity is about learning to feel safe expressing again, moving past fears (of failure, of being seen) and keeping the momentum going even when it doesn’t always feel magical. It is about following those intuitive sparks until you are being guided towards an expression that is both uniquely you, and universal. 

It’s about developing that trust inside - trust that you are a meant to create, and your self-expression is worth devoting time and energy to. 

Here is what you can expect from this 5-day  course, if you spend 20-minutes a day on it, including completing the assignments : 

✓ 5 days to devote to unlocking your creativity

✓ 5 days to learn about your blocks, and how to move past them

✓ 5 days to drop into your intuition, and learn to trust it

✓ 5 days to start making art - whether it’s music, painting, poetry, writing or drawing.