Hey, I’m Kirsten.
therapist | coach | dog fanatic
I completed my master’s degree in clinical psychology to get the training I needed to best support my clients. At the same time, what shaped me into the therapist and coach I am today is my personal process of healing, while learning to embrace my neurodivergence.
After many years of therapy and other forms of healing, I have come to learn the importance of:
Accepting all parts of me, even the shadowy parts or the parts that have emerged due to trauma
Connecting with my body, viewing it as a source of wisdom, and learning to feel safe in it.
Living from a more connected, vulnerable, creative and free place.
Honouring and embracing my neurodivergent ways.
This is not to say that I am without issues - I still have my own stuff. The difference is that I don’t identify with my triggers the same way that I used to.
This is my prayer for every client I get the opportunity to meet - that in the process of working through the layers, they learn to accept all parts of themselves, connect with their bodies and live a more present life.
When you're present you're more connected to yourself, the world, and others. You can think clearly, you are more embodied, more creative and even if you are experiencing challenging emotions, it is easier to process them.
While each step along my own path has given me different pieces of the puzzle, there are a few approaches that were particularly transformative for me.
These are the approaches I use with my clients:
Somatic therapy: We often think of our psychological issues as mental, but there is now so much research to support how our bodies also hold the pain. The good news is we can release the pain through our bodies as well, thus increasing our capacity to feel grounded, even when life throws triggering curveballs. Intuition is also accessed through the body, so by connecting to ours, we become clearer and more trusting about our path and life decisions.
Parts work: It’s natural to identify with big triggers because we experience ourselves as the ones feeling them. By seeing ourselves as a system of parts instead, we relate to ourselves differently, and can process the pain our younger parts are carrying, leading to greater self-acceptance, less inner conflict and more space for curiosity, creativity and joy.
Mindfulness: Trauma can make it challenging to live in the present moment, because the nervous system tends to go into fight, flight, shut down, freeze or fawn. I approach all my time with clients as a mindfulness practice and I support you to feel present in session. I also integrate Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) into my work with clients, especially for insomnia and anxiety. ACT is less about trying to fix or solve, and more about learning to meet discomfort, uncertainty, and fear with presence.
Psychoeducation: I love to educate/ teach my clients about the latest research because they find it not only informative, but empowering. When clients learn all the fascinating ways their brains and bodies have adapted to help them survive, it’s de-shaming. It makes space for a more compassionate way of seeing thought patterns, behaviours and overwhelming emotions.
When I’m not immersed in the world of counselling and healing, I may be found writing/ making art, on my yoga mat, talking to trees deep in the forest, petting all the dogs, spending time with my favorite humans, discovering new places, or lying on my couch.
If you are interested in working together, you can reach me at: kirsten@kirstennoack.com or book a consultation directly using the link below.
Training & Education
I have a MSc in Clinical Psychology and am a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) with the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors (BCACC). I view therapy as an endless learning process, and am continually seeking professional development. Below are my post-graduate trainings.
Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors - Trauma-Informed Stabilization Treatment Certification (TIST), Level 1 with Janina Fisher (currently enrolled)
Two-year somatic-attachment training with Lisa Mortimore: Bringing the Body Into Practice (2020-2022)
5-day Workshop Developing Questions & Therapeutic Letters: Vancouver School for Narrative Therapy (2020)
Certificate in Feminist-Narrative Therapy (One-year program): ProChoices Community Clinic (2017-2018)

My Values
the door to possibility
where healing happens
the body is wise
makes life meaningful
A few things about me…
I love to create
I love expressing myself artistically - more recently I have been drawing therapeutic comics, writing about the intersection between trauma, spirituality and psychology, and making psychoeducational videos.
I’m a nature & animal lover
My happy place as a sensitive and neurodivergent person is being surrounded by green, mountains, animals, and a few of my favorite humans. I believe that our connection with nature and animals can be very healing.
All the approaches I use with clients are what worked for me
In a quest to heal my own C-PTSD and chronic insomnia while coming to terms with my neurodivergence, I tried a lot of different therapeutic modalities. The ones that helped me, and ultimately changed my life, are the approaches I received training in and now use with my coaching and therapy clients.
I have lived abroad in four countries
My cultural curiosity has led me to move solo to Turkey, Japan, the Netherlands and Spain. I’m fascinated by how other people around the globe live.
Here’s how we can work together
Insomnia Coaching
Trauma-informed coaching for people with chronic insomnia, who have tried it all!
Creativity Coaching
A 6-week group coaching program to get you unstuck and aligned with your creative flow
1:1 Online Therapy
Trauma-informed therapy so you can get out of your own way and embody your truths

Want to find out if we’re the right fit?
Book a free 20-minute consultation using the link below.